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在蒙特利尔2018年国际催眠大会上,Mehdi Fathi博士在Bernhard Trenkle的协调下,邀请了参加大会的亚洲国家代表们共聚一堂,讨论成立亚洲催眠学会的事宜。这个初步想法最早是由Kris Klajs几年前提出的。他的初衷是给那些亚洲国家的同事们一个重新与国际社会建立联系的机会,这些国家的成员们过去曾是俄罗斯催眠学会的一部分,比如亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、哈萨克斯坦。他留心到很多来自这些国家的同道们目前负担不起去巴黎或者蒙特利尔参加大会的开销,但他们有能力去邻近的国家,比如伊朗。由于在蒙特利尔出席的国家数量有限,会上决定通过联系其他在催眠领域活跃的亚洲国家来成立该学会。
在大会晚宴上,Enayat Shahidi、Mehdi Fathi、方新老师和中国同事在口头交谈中达成一致,决定由Mehdi Fathi担任第一任主席,方新担任第二任主席,Enayat Shahidi担任秘书长。这些职位的任期安排为三年一换,与国际催眠学会(ISH)的做法一致。 在2019年伊朗马什哈德举行的首届亚洲催眠大会上,大多数ISH董事会成员和来自7个亚洲国家的代表出席了会议,亚洲催眠学会正式成立。核心成员如下:
Mehdi Fathi, 主席
Enayat Shahidi, 副主席和秘书长
方新, 候任主席
The First Asian Hypnosis Congress (Mashhad, Iran)
In Montreal, where the International Hypnosis Congress of 2018 was held, Dr. Mehdi Fathi, in coordination with Bernhard Trenkle, invited representatives from Asian countries attending the congress to convene and discuss the establishment of the Asian Society of Hypnosis. The initial concept was inspired by Kris Klajs several years prior. His motivation was to give colleagues from Asian countries, which previously were part of the Russian Hypnosis Society such as Armenia, Georgia, Kasachstan, the opportunity to reconnect with the international field. He noted that many colleagues from these countries are not yet able to afford to travel to Paris or Montreal to attend a congress, but they can afford to come to a neighboring country like Iran. Given the limited number of countries present in Montreal, it was decided to establish the society by reaching out to other active Asian countries in the field of hypnosis.
During the gala dinner, in a verbal conversation among Enayat Shahidi, Mehdi Fathi, Fang Xin, and several Chinese individuals, it was agreed that Mehdi Fathi would serve as the first president, Fang Xin as the second president, and Enayat Shahidi as the secretary. The term of office for these positions was set to change every three years, in line with the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH).
At the inaugural Asian Hypnosis Congress in 2019, held in Mashhad, Iran, with the presence of most ISH board members and representatives from seven Asian countries, the Asian Society was officially announced. The core members are as follows:
Mehdi Fathi, President
Enayat Shahidi, Deputy and Secretary
Fang Xin, President-elect
The representatives pledged to promote hypnosis in their respective countries and to collaborate with one another. The congress attracted 1200 participants, including 112 international delegates, 46 of whom delivered speeches. The event featured 24 workshops, 38 presentations, and 3 live surgical demonstrations. A few months later, the COVID-19 pandemic led to lockdowns, prompting the Asian Society to continue its educational activities through online workshops, inviting many international speakers to contribute to the cause.
The first congress was a resounding success. This second congress, held in China, will continue to unite the hypnosis community in Asia and beyond under the themes of Connection, Collaboration, and Co-Growth. Together, we will promote the development of hypnosis and enable more people to benefit from the power of hypnosis.