亚洲临床催眠大会 · 报名参会


参会人员Warm Reminders
大会主体仅向专业人员开放,包括从事心理工作、临床催眠的专业人员(如医院医护技人员、大学教师或科研人员、个体执业咨询师、中小学教师、公检法司武警解放军(公安、武警、解放军等)、社会工作者、心理教练、EAP、相关专业在读硕博研究生及心理健康相关产业(心理测评、图书、仪器设备、软件硬件等)等。谢绝心理学爱好者和非专业背景人员参加。The main congress is strictly limited to qualified professionals, including professionals in psychology and clinical hypnosis (such as hospital medical and nursing technicians, university instructors or researchers, individual licensed therapists, primary and secondary school teachers), social workers, coaches, EAP, graduate students of relevant majors and mental health-related industries personnel(psychological assessment, books, equipment, software and hardware, etc.), etc. Psychology enthusiasts and individuals without a professional background are kindly asked to refrain from participating.
  • 注册会员指中国艾利克森临床催眠研究院注册会员及初级会员,参会需在会议注册系统内提交您的会员注册号以及手机号(注册中国艾利克森临床催眠研究院会员时所填手机号,若已更换手机号请联系秘书【艾利克森-会员管理】15727399246)
  • 全日制学生享受中国艾利克森临床催眠研究院注册会员同等价格,参会需在会议注册系统内提交有效的学生证明,博士后不属于学生范畴
  • 晚宴(时间:19:00-22:00)仅670席位,包含桌餐及文艺活动
  • 可参加开幕式、大会主题报告、专题研讨会、会中工作坊、各流派论坛等
  • 1份会议包,内含会议资料
  • 根据系统提示选择注册类型、支付方式,并按照所选支付方式完成付款
  • 如需,提交专题研讨会/工作坊/论坛/学术论文的题目等信息
Registration fee
*Registration fees are to be charged in RMB only. Please ensure enough amount is paid after deducting the transaction fee. For your reference, 1000 RMB is approx. 132 euros, 2000 RMB is approx. 264 euros, 3000 RMB is approx. 397 euros (amounts may vary with exchange rates).
Registration Fee Notes
  • Registered Member refers to a registered member or junior member of the Chinese Research Institute of Ericksonian Clinical Hypnosis; please fill in your registered member code and phone number used when registering as a member of the Chinese Research Institute of Ericksonian Clinical Hypnosis; if you are using a different phone number than the one you used for membership registration, please contact Membership Manager at 15727399246
  • Students affiliated with universities and institutions are qualified for the discounted rates. A copy of a valid student card is required to be submitted via the registration system. Please note that postdoctoral fellows are not eligible for student rates
  • The banquet (time: 19:00-22:00) has only 670 seats and includes a table dinner and cultural activities
Registration Fee Includes
  • Admission to all program sessions except pre-and post-conference workshops
  • A conference kit
Registration Procedures
  • Log into the conference registration system, and fill in your personal information as required
  • Select the registration type, method of payment, then complete the payment according to the instructions of the system
  • If you plan to host seminars/workshops/forums and/or submit academic papers, please submit relevant information according to the instructions of the system
1. 在线支付
  • 北大校内参会师生,如需会议注册费报销,请勿通过线上平台支付,具体支付方式详见3-北大校内师生参会;
  • 如通过微信链接登录会议注册平台,则只支持银联、微信付款。
2. 银行汇款
  • 汇款前请先在会议官网完成注册并在会议注册系统“个人中心”首页获取个人会议注册号;
  • 汇款后请及时将汇款底单上传至会议注册系统个人账户,并耐心等待会务组确认,优惠政策的实施将以底单显示的汇款时间为准。由于汇款认款周期较长,建议选择线上支付方式;
  • 若参会者所在单位集体办理汇款,请在汇款底单附言处备注;“ACCH+XX单位汇款+联络人姓名、手机号”,并将所有参会人的注册号及姓名连同汇款底单通过邮件发送至会务组邮箱mailto:oec238f@pku.edu.cn,以便及时确认款项是否到账;
  • 汇款手续费由参会者承担。
3. 北大校内师生参会
  • 2025年3月15日(含)之前: 全额退还已付款项;
  • 2025年7月15日(含)之前:扣除会议费350元后退还已付款项;
  • 2025年8月13日(含)之前:扣除会议费600元后退还已付款项;
  • 2025年8月14日(含)之后: 不予退款。
Methods of Payment
1. Online Payment
Please log into the conference registration system, proceed to the payment option page, choose “Online Payment”-“PKU Platform”, and follow the instructions of the system to complete your payment. Available online payment methods include VISA & Mastercard (overseas cards issued by Chinese institutions are not supported), UnionPay, WeChat and Alipay.
  • PKU faculty and students who require registration fee reimbursement, please DO NOT make the payment online. For details, please refer to "PKU Faculty & Students" as below;
  • Kindly note that the paying banks of bankcards issued by overseas institutions (foreign-currency cards) may charge a commission fee for the transaction, and attendees are responsible for this fee themselves;
  • If you access the conference registration system via a WeChat link, only UnionPay and WeChat payment are supported.
2. Bank Transfer
You may also pay your registration fee by bank transfer:
Name of Beneficiary: Peking University
Account No.: 0200004509089131151
Name of Bank: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Beijing Municipal Branch, Beijing, PRC
Address of Bank: Tianyin Mansion, No.2, Fuxingmen Street(S), Xicheng District, Beijing, PRC
Reference: To avoid confusion, please specify the following information in the 'message' field: ACCH+Conference registration No.+Participants’name
  • Before making the remittance, please finish the registration process in the conference website first, and obtain your conference registration No. from the Home Page of your registration account;
  • Bank transfer should be in CNY;
  • In order to avoid any delay in money transfer, please do upload a copy of your remittance invoice or receipt into the registration system and await confirmation from the Conference Secretariat. The payment date will be based on the information indicated on your remittance receipt. Due to longer processing time for international bank transfer, we highly recommend the online payment method;
  • All bank charges will be borne by participants themselves.
3. PKU Faculty & Students
PKU faculty and students who require registration fee reimbursement, please register on the registration system first, proceed to the payment option page, choose "Offline Payment"-"PKU Faculty & Students", then return to your homepage, obtain your Registration No. and pay the registration fee according to Peking University's reimbursement policy. More detailed instructions will be released shortly.
Registration Confirmation
In order to register the conference, attendees must complete the registration through the online system and pay the registration fees in full. Upon successful registration, the system will send a “Registration Confirmation Letter” to your registered email address. Please review and verify the registration and payment information in the email, and if there is any question, do not hesitate to contact the conference secretariat promptly. If you have not received the “Registration Confirmation Letter” within five days, please reach out to the conference secretariat as well.
The registration fee receipt can be downloaded from the online registration system under "My Orders" once the payment is completed before the conference. Registrants can check their registration and payment status also there.
Cancellation Policy
The Conference Secretariat must be notified of a cancellation of the registration. Only cancellations in writing (to mailto:oec238f@pku.edu.cn) are accepted and refunds will be processed after the conference.
  • Cancellations on and before March 15, 2025: Full refund of amounts paid;
  • Cancellations on and before July 15, 2025: Part refund of the paid amount with deduction of 350 CNY;
  • Cancellations on and before August 13, 2025: Part refund of the paid amount with deduction of 600 CNY;
  • Cancellations on and before August 14, 2025: Non-refundable.
If an invitation letter is required for visa application, please apply in the registration system.
Academic inquiry
Conference services
Sponsorship Oppurtunities