亚洲临床催眠大会ACCH · 专家列表Experts
Mark P. JensenMark P. Jensen

- 美国华盛顿大学康复医学系副系主任,教授,国际催眠学会前任主席Mark P. Jensen, PhD, Vice Chair for Research, a Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Former President of International Society of Hypnosis (ISH).
- 演讲题目《催眠用于治疗慢性疼痛的疗效和机制》Keynote Speech: Efficacy and mechanisms of hypnosis for chronic pain management
Mark P. Jensen,博士,美国华盛顿大学康复医学系教授,研究委员会副主席。华盛顿大学医疗中心康复门诊诊所临床心理学家。国际催眠学会前任主席。美国心理学会第30分会科学催眠杰出贡献奖获得者,美国疼痛学会Wilbert E. Fordyce临床研究者奖获得者,Clark L. Hull实验催眠写作科学卓越奖获得者,2024年国际催眠学会(ISH)Ernest R. Hilgard科学卓越奖获得者等。他撰写了12本书籍,46篇书籍章节,超过700篇学术文章。在过去四年中,他在西班牙、中国、英国、匈牙利、葡萄牙,美国、德国、泰国、波兰、加拿大、以色列、意大利、印度、土耳其、法国、荷兰等发表了70余场演讲。
Mark P. Jensen, PhD, Vice Chair for Research, a Professor in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. Attending Psychologist, Rehabilitation Outpatient Clinic, University of Washington Medical Center. Former President of International Society of Hypnosis.
Awardee of American Psychological Association Division 30 Award for Distinguished Contributions to Scientific Hypnosis, American Pain Society Wilbert E. Fordyce Clinical Investigator Award, Clark L. Hull Award for Scientific Excellence in Writing on Experimental Hypnosis,2024 Ernest R. Hilgard Award for Scientific Excellence (by ISH), etc..
He is author, co-author of about 12 books, 46 book chapters and over 700 scientific articles. He has been a key-note speaker and presenter in Spain, China, the United Kingdom, Hungary, Portugal, the United States, Germany, Thailand, Poland, Canada, Israel, Italy, India, Turkey, France, the Netherlands, and other countries in last 4 years, giving more than 70 speeches.
Amir RazAmir Raz

- 加拿大首席科学家,麦吉尔大学精神病学、神经学、神经外科和心理学教授,加州查普曼大学大脑研究所创始主任Canada Research Chair, Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery, and Psychology at McGill University. Founding director of Brain Institute Chapman University California
- 演讲题目待更新Keynote Speech: to be updated
Amir Raz博士是世界知名的催眠暗示专家,近年担任的位置包括加拿大首席科学家、麦吉尔大学精神病学、神经学和神经外科学及心理学教授,以及查普曼大学跨学科大脑和行为科学研究所创始所长。他曾工作于哥伦比亚大学和康奈尔医学中心工作,并受到媒体的广泛报道。他在《自然》、《美国科学院院刊》和其他权威期刊上发表了200多篇经过同行评审的文章。
Dr. Amir Raz is a world-renowned expert on the science of suggestion with recent positions as Canada Research Chair, Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology and Neurosurgery, and Psychology at McGill University, and as Founding Director of The Institute for Interdisciplinary Brain and Behavioral Sciences at Chapman University. Formerly at Columbia University and Cornell Medical Center, his work has been covered widely in the media and he has written over 200 peer-reviewed articles in Nature, PNAS, and other leading journals.
Authored over 440 scientific papers and 34 books, and among them:
Loriedo,C., Vella,G., Paradox and the Family System, Brunner\Mazel, New York, 1992
Loriedo,C., Peter,B. (Eds.), The New Hypnosis: the utilization of personal resources in Ericksonian practice and training, Hypnosis International Monographs, Munich, 2002.
Loriedo,C., Zeig,J.K., Nardone,G, Tranceforming. Ericksonian Metods, Milton Erickson Foundation Press, Phoenix, 2010
Jeffrey K. ZeigJeffrey K. Zeig

- 米尔顿·H·艾利克森基金会的创始人及管理人The Founder and Director of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation
- 演讲题目《艾利克森式催眠取向的视角》Keynote Speech: Perspectives on an Ericksonian Orientation to Hypnosis.
Jeffrey K. Zeig博士是米尔顿·H·艾利克森基金会的创始人及管理人。他编辑、合编、撰写或共同撰写了20多本关于心理治疗的书籍,这些书籍被翻译成十二种外语。Zeig博士是心理治疗演变大会、短期治疗大会、夫妻治疗大会以及艾利克森式催眠与心理治疗国际大会的策划人。Zeig博士在美国亚利桑那州菲尼克斯从事私人执业,是一名心理学家和婚姻家庭治疗师。他在国际上(40多个国家)举办工作坊。他是Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Inc.公司的总裁,该公司是行为科学领域的出版商。
Jeffrey K. Zeig, Ph.D. is the Founder and Director of the Milton H. Erickson Foundation, He has edited, co-edited, authored or coauthored more than 20 books on psychotherapy that appear in twelve foreign languages.Dr. Zeig is the architect of The Evolution of Psychotherapy Conferences, the Brief Therapy Conferences, the Couples Conferences, and the International Congresses on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.A psychologist and marriage and family therapist in private practice in Phoenix, Arizona, Dr. Zeig conducts workshops internationally (more than 40 countries). He is president of Zeig, Tucker & Theisen, Inc., publishers in the behavioral sciences
Michael D YapkoMichael D Yapko

- 国际著名临床心理学家,大量获奖书籍的作者,著有《临床催眠实用教程》等著作Internationally renowned Clinical psychologist, award-winning author. Most recent book: 《Trancework: An Introduction to the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis 》(with co-author Shawn Criswell, Ph.D.). Developer of the popular digital hypnotherapy mental health app "Claria".
- 演讲题目《临床催眠应用的第一课:你聚焦什么,就会放大什么》Keynote speech: The First Lesson in Applied Clinical Hypnosis: What You Focus On You Amplify
Michael D. Yapko博士是一名临床心理学家,现居加利福尼亚州圣迭戈周边。他开创性地将临床催眠应用于聚焦结果的心理治疗,尤其是积极的非药物治疗抑郁症,其工作在国际上享有盛誉。他曾受邀向六大洲 30 多个国家和美国各地的同行介绍他的创新理念和方法。他在 YouTube 上发表的关于 “如何从抑郁症中康复 ”的演讲非常实用,目前已有 540 多万次的播放量。
Yapko博士著有 16 本专著、3 本编著以及近 100 篇期刊论文和书籍章节。 他最近出版的一本专业书籍是其经典催眠教科书《临床催眠实用教程》(与Shawn Criswell博士合著)。他的其他获奖催眠书籍包括《过程导向的催眠》、《催眠进阶》和《正念与催眠: 暗示用于改变体验的力量》。他的著作已被翻译成 10 种语言。Yapko博士还是广受欢迎的数字催眠治疗心理健康应用程序 “Claria ”的开发者,该应用程序是与数字治疗公司 “Mindset Health”(www.mindsethealth.com)联合开发的。
Yapko博士曾荣获美国心理学会、国际催眠学会和米尔顿-艾利克森基金会颁发的终身成就奖。他还光荣地被临床和实验催眠学会评为 “活着的宝藏”。
Michael D. Yapko, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist residing near San Diego, California. He is internationally recognized for his groundbreaking work in applying clinical hypnosis in outcome-focused psychotherapies, especially in the active non-pharmacological treatment of depression. He has been invited to present his innovative ideas and methods to colleagues in more than 30 countries across six continents, and all over the United States. His highly practical YouTube lecture on “How to Recover from Depression” has now been viewed more than 5.4 million times.
Dr. Yapko is the author of 16 books, three edited books, and nearly 100 journal articles and book chapters. His most recent book for professionals is the newly updated 6th edition of his classic hypnosis textbook, Trancework: An Introduction to the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis (with co-author Shawn Criswell, Ph.D.). His other award-winning books on hypnosis include Process-Oriented Hypnosis, Taking Hypnosis to the Next Level, and Mindfulness and Hypnosis: The Power of Suggestion to Transform Experience. His works have been translated into 10 languages. Dr. Yapko is also the developer of the popular digital hypnotherapy mental health app called Claria in association with the digital therapeutic company, Mindset Health (www.mindsethealth.com).
Dr. Yapko has been given lifetime achievement awards from the American Psychological Association, the International Society of Hypnosis, and The Milton H. Erickson Foundation. He was honored to be named a “Living Treasure” by the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.
More information about Dr. Yapko’s work is available on his website: www.yapko.com.
Hans Joachim MarkowitschHans Joachim Markowitsch

- 德国比勒费尔德大学生理心理学教授Hans Joachim Markowitsch
- 演讲题目《催眠、记忆和失忆》Keynote Speech: Hypnosis, memory and amnesia
Hans J. Markowitsch 是德国比勒费尔德大学生理心理学教授。他在康斯坦茨大学(University of Konstanz)学习心理学和生物学,在哥本哈根大学(University of Copenhagen)的医学院 以及牛津大学(Oxford University)PPP学院学习和工作,并在康斯坦茨(Konstanz)、波鸿(Bochum)和比勒费尔德大学(Bielefeld)担任生物心理学和生理心理学教授,同时在澳大利亚和加拿大的大学获得了心理学和神经科学教授职位的邀请。他的研究集中在记忆障碍的神经和心理基础,以及记忆与情感之间的相互作用。他是大约30本书的作者、合著者或编辑,并撰写了约700篇科学文章和书籍章节。
Hans J. Markowitsch was Professor of Physiological Psychology at the University of Bielefeld. He studied psychology and biology at the University of Konstanz, was studying and working in the Medical Faculty of the University of Copenhagen and in the Faculty of PPP of Oxford University and had professorships for biopsychology and physiological psychology at the Universities of Konstanz, Bochum, and Bielefeld and was offered chairs of psychology and neuroscience at Australian and Canadian Universities. His research centers on the neural and psychic bases of memory disorders and on interactions between memory and emotion. He is author, co-author or editor of about 30 books and has written about 700 scientific articles and book chapters.
Camillo LoriedoCamillo Loriedo

- 意大利罗马大学精神病学教授,国际催眠学会前任主席,欧洲催眠学会前任主席,米尔顿·H·艾利克森终身成就奖获得者Professor of Psychiatry at University of Rome "Sapienza". Former President of International Society of Hypnosis. Former president of European Society of Hypnosis. Awardee of The Milton H. Erickson Lifetime Achievement Award.
- 演讲题目《从暗示到唤醒:催眠疗法的演变》Keynote Speech: From Suggestion to Evocation: the Evolution of Hypnotherapy
- 洛雷多,C.,维拉,G.,《悖论与家庭系统》,Brunner\Mazel出版社,纽约,1992年。
- 洛雷多,C.,彼得,B.(编辑),《新催眠:在埃里克森实践和训练中利用个人资源》,国际催眠学会专著,慕尼黑,2002年。
- 洛雷多,C.,齐格,J.K.,纳尔多内,G.,《变革性催眠:埃里克森方法》,米尔顿·艾利克森基金会出版社,凤凰城,2010年。
INTERNATIONAL RECOGNITIONS. The Milton H. Erickson Lifetime Achievement Award for outstanding contribution to the field of Psychotherapy, Milton H. Erickson Foundation (2001).
ESH Fellowship, in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the European Society of Hypnosis (2011)
Benjamin Franklin Award (Gold Medal), the highest ISH honor, with the following motivation: Prolific author, creative therapist distinguished leader. by the International Society of Hypnosis (2012).
Shirley R. Schneck Award for the Significant Contributions to the Development of Medical Hypnosis, by Society of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH) (2012).
ESH with Honorary Membership by the Europeann Society of Hypnosis, for an outstanding contribute to the field of Hypnosis (2014).
Since 1998, Member of the Milton Erickson Foundation Board of Directors
On April 2013 he has been nominated Chairman of the Awards Committee of the International Society of Hypnosis.
Authored over 440 scientific papers and 34 books, and among them:
- Loriedo,C., Vella,G., Paradox and the Family System, Brunner\Mazel, New York, 1992
- Loriedo,C., Peter,B. (Eds.), The New Hypnosis: the utilization of personal resources in Ericksonian practice and training, Hypnosis International Monographs, Munich, 2002.
- Loriedo,C., Zeig,J.K., Nardone,G, Tranceforming. Ericksonian Metods, Milton Erickson Foundation Press, Phoenix, 2010
Mehdi FathiMehdi Fathi

- 伊朗马什哈德医科大学心脏麻醉副教授,亚洲催眠学会主席Associate professor of cardiac anesthesia in Mashhad University of Medical Sciences. President of Asian society of hypnosis
- 演讲题目《催眠麻醉,催眠在手术室单独作为麻醉手段的创新使用》Keynote speech: Hypnoanesthesia, innovative using hypnosis in operation room as sole anesthesia
Mehdi Fathi is pioneer in using hypnosis as sole anesthesia in the modern world of medicine. He is an international trainer of hypnosis and mental health. His investigations have made a new scope of relationship between brain and psych.His publications is included 76 titles of books in mental health , hypnosis and medicine ( all in native language ), more than 100 articles in medical journals, 66 educational videos and CDs.
Giuseppe De BenedittisGiuseppe De Benedittis

- 意大利米兰大学神经外科-精神医学-疼痛治疗副教授,跨部门疼痛中心前任主任,欧洲催眠学会前任主席Associate Professor of Neurosurgery-Psychiatrist-Pain Therapist,University of Milano. Former president of European Society of Hypnosis.
- 演讲题目《催眠在调节自主神经系统(ANS)中的作用:研究成果与临床视角》Keynote speech: Role of hypnosis in modulating the Autonomic Nervous System (ANS): Research findings and clinical perspectives
意大利米兰大学的神经外科副教授。意大利催眠学会的副主席,国际催眠学会董事会的成员。2009年获得国际催眠学会颁发的Ernest R. Hilgard科学卓越奖。创立并指导了米兰大学跨学科疼痛研究与治疗中心,这是意大利首个成立的多学科疼痛中心。国际公认疼痛治疗领域的主要专家之一,也是临床和实验催眠用于疼痛控制的公认的先驱,对催眠和催眠镇痛的复杂神经生理机制的阐明做出了贡献。曾在德国、荷兰、匈牙利、土耳其、伊朗、保加利亚、波兰、新加坡、墨西哥、加拿大、美国和中国的国家及国际会议上作为主题演讲者发表演讲,并就各种催眠主题举办了研讨会。发表了250多篇关于疼痛、意识和催眠问题的专业出版物,包括15部专著。
Giuseppe De Benedittis is associate professor of Neurosurgery at the University of Milano (Italy). He founded and directed the Interdepartmental Center for the Study and Treatment of Pain at the University of Milan, the first multidisciplinary pain center established in Italy. He is internationally recognized as one of the leading experts in pain therapy. Professor De Benedittis is also a recognized pioneer in the clinical and experimental use of hypnosis for pain control, contributing to the elucidation of the complex neurophysiological mechanisms of hypnosis and hypnotic analgesia. He is vice president of the Italian Society of Hypnosis and is a member of the board of the International Society of Hypnosis. He received the Ernest R. Hilgard Award for Scientific Excellence from the International Society of Hypnosis in 2009.
Prof. De Benedittis has been a key-note speaker papers and conducted workshops at national and international congresses in Germany, Netherlands, Hungary, Turkey, Iran, Bulgaria, Poland, Singapore, Mexico, Canada, USA and China on various hypnotic topics. He has also published more than 250 professional publications on pain, consciousness and hypnotic issues, including 15 monographs.
Woltemade HartmanWoltemade Hartman

- 约翰内斯堡大学心理学系高级研究员。来自南非比勒陀利亚的临床和教育心理学家以及心理治疗师。国际自我状态疗法创始人,前任主席,现任国际自我状态疗法(ESTI)秘书兼司库。Senior Research Fellow at the Department of Psychology at the University of Johannesburg. A Clinical and Educational Psychologist, and psychotherapist from Pretoria, South Africa. The founder and Past-president of Ego State Therapy International and current Secretary and Treasurer of Ego State Therapy International (ESTI)
- 演讲题目:《临床催眠在现代心理治疗中是否仍有意义?对过去的反思与未来的洞见》Keynote speech: Is Clinical hypnosis still relevant in modern-day psychotherapy? Reflections from the past and insights for the future
Woltemade Hartman(博士)是一位来自南非比勒陀利亚的临床和教育心理学家以及心理治疗师。他是一名临床医生、顾问以及经验丰富的国际培训师,专注于处理创伤后应激障碍(PTSD)和复杂创伤相关疾病。他曾在世界各地的不同国家和地区广泛地为遭受创伤、酷刑、战争和人权侵犯的幸存者提供帮助。此外,他还曾为全球各地的政治家和政党提供顾问服务。哈特曼博士最初在美国亚利桑那州菲尼克斯的埃里克森基金会接受埃里克森式心理治疗师培训,师从Jeffrey Zeig博士等人。Hartman博士还在美国蒙大拿州米苏拉接受自我状态治疗师培训,培训师为J.G.Watkins教授和H.Watkins女士。Hartman博士是南非米尔顿·H·艾里克森研究所(MEISA)的创始人。他是自我状态治疗国际组织的创始人及前任主席。2013年至2024年期间,他曾担任国际催眠学会(ISH)理事会成员。他曾在多个国际大会上就心理治疗、催眠心理治疗和创伤等主题发表主旨演讲。Hartman博士曾获得国际催眠学会(ISH)2009年早期职业创新贡献催眠奖、自我状态治疗国际组织(ESTI)2022年约翰和海伦·沃特金斯自我状态治疗临床卓越奖以及2024年约翰和海伦·沃特金斯临床催眠教学和导师卓越奖,他在推动自我状态治疗的临床应用以及影响全球治疗师方面做出了杰出贡献
Woltemade Hartman (Ph.D) is a Clinical and Educational Psychologist, and psychotherapist from Pretoria, South Africa. He is a clinician, consultant, and experienced international trainer specializing in working with PTSD and complex trauma-related disorders. He has worked extensively with survivors of trauma, torture, war and human rights violations in various countries and regions of the world. He has also served in an advisory capacity to various politicians and political parties across the globe. He originally received his training as an Ericksonian psychotherapist at the Ericksonian Foundation in Phoenix, Arizona, USA and trained with Dr. Jeffrey Zeig and others. Dr Hartman also trained as an Ego State therapist with Prof J.G. Watkins and Mrs H. Watkins in Missoula, Montana, USA. Dr Hartman is the Founding Director of the Milton H. Erickson Institutes of South Africa (MEISA). He is the founder and Past-president of Ego State Therapy International. Woltemade was an executive board member of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH) between 2013 and 2024. He has been a Keynote Speaker at various international congresses on the topics of psychotherapy, hypnosis psychotherapy and trauma. Dr Hartman is the recipient of the 2009 Early Career Award for Innovative Contributions to Hypnosis from the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH), the 2022 John and Helen Watkins Award for Clinical Excellence in Ego State Therapy from Ego State International (ESTI) and the 2024 John and Helen Watkins Award for excellence as a teacher and mentor of clinical hypnosis, promoting the clinical use of Ego State Therapy and influencing therapists around the world.
Ben FurmanBen Furman

- 国际著名儿童青少年治疗方向心理学大师,芬兰精神卫生协会下属《家庭治疗期刊》创始编辑,著有《儿童的技术》、《回弹力》等著作Internationally renowned psychiatrist and psychotherapist specializing in application of solution-focused psychology. Author of up to 30 books, including 《Kid's Skills》,《Seven Life Skills》, etc.
- 演讲题目《基于米尔顿·艾利克森的原则,帮助儿童战胜心理挑战的一种创新而有效的技术》Keynote speech: Kids’Skills – A Creative and effective approach to help children overcome psychological challenges based on the principles of Milton Erickson
Ben Furman是一位精神病学家和心理治疗师,专攻解决方案导向心理学的应用。他撰写了多达30本书籍,其中许多已被翻译成包括中文在内的多种语言。在国际上,他最为人所知的贡献是开发了一种针对儿童的解决方案导向方法,称为“Kids' Skills”。
Ben Furman is a psychiatrist and psychotherapist specialized in application of solution-focused psychology. He has written up to 30 books many of which have been translated to multiple languages including Chinese. Internationally he is best known for having developed a solution-focused approach to working with chidren known as "Kids'Skills".
方方Fang FANG

- 北京大学副校长,博士生导师,教授Professor, Vice President of Peking University, Doctoral Supervisor.
第八届国务院学位委员会心理学学科评议组成员、秘书长,中国神经科学学会副理事长,国务院政府特殊津贴专家,百千万人才工程国家级人选和国家有突出贡献中青年专家,万人计划科技创新领军人才,美国心理科学学会会士;获中国青年科技奖、国际心理科学联合会青年科学家奖、教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖 (科学技术)一等奖。
Professor, Vice President of Peking University, Doctoral Supervisor. Peking University Boya Distinguished Professor, Ministry of Education Chang Jiang Scholar Distinguished Professor, recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.
Member and Secretary-General of the 8th State Council's Degree Committee Psychology Discipline Evaluation Group, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Neuroscience Society, expert receiving special government allowance from the State Council, national-level receipt of the "Thousands of Talents Project" and a national expert with outstanding contributions among young and middle-aged experts, leader of scientific and technological innovation in the "Ten Thousand People Plan", Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science; recipient of the China Youth Science and Technology Award, the International Union of Psychological Science Young Scientist Award, and the first prize of the Ministry of Education's Higher Education Scientific Research Outstanding Results Award (Science and Technology).
赵旭东Xudong ZHAO

- 同济大学教授,主任医师,博士生导师Professor at Tongji University, Chief Physician, Doctoral Supervisor
- 演讲题目《AI与精神控制:催眠的教训》Keynote speech: AI and Mind Control: Lessons Learned in Hypnosis
Doctor of Medicine, a second-level professor and chief physician at Tongji University, PhD supervisor in psychiatry and philosophical psychology, and honorary dean of the affiliated Mental Health Center. Vice Chairman of the Chinese Mental Health Association, Deputy Director of the Clinical Psychology Registration Work Committee of the Chinese Psychological Society, Deputy Director of the Psychosomatic Medicine Professional Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, and Vice Director of the Psychosomatic Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association; Vice President of the World Council for Psychotherapy, President of the Asian Academy of Family Therapy. He has received the "National May 1st Labor Medal" and the "Sigmund Freud International Psychotherapy Award".
韩布新Buxin HAN

- 中国科学院心理所二级研究员、博士生导师;亚洲心理协会(APsyA)主席;中国心理学会原理事长Second-grade Research Fellow at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Doctoral Supervisor; President of the Asian Psychological Association (APsyA); Former President of the Chinese Psychological Society.
- 演讲题目《心安是吾乡:人性成长疗愈的文化视角》Keynote speech: The Home Is Where the Heart Settles: A Cultural Perspective on Healing and Growth
Second-grade Research Fellow at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Doctoral supervisor and Director of the Academic Degrees Committee; Professor at the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Chair of Division 7 (Applied Gerontology) of the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP); President of the Asian Psychological Association (APsyA); Former President of the Chinese Psychological Society; Vice President of the Chinese Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics; Deputy Director of the National Technical Committee on Color Standardization.
Research focuses on psychological health development, psychology of religion, cultural psychology, and color psychology. Has led or participated in over 30 international, national, and ministerial-level projects; published over 300 papers and 4 monographs; established or revised 20 national standards; has supervised 65 master's and doctoral students who have completed their theses and obtained degrees.
Has received awards including the Major Advancement in Psychological Science Award from the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS) in 2004, Advanced Worker Award from the China Association for Science and Technology (2006), and the Distinguished Professional Contribution Award from the International Association of Applied Psychology (IAAP) in 2018.
高隽Jun GAO

- 复旦大学社会发展与公共政策学院心理学系副系主任,副教授,硕士生导师,中国艾利克森临床催眠研究院学术负责人Associate professor, Vice Dean of the Department of Psychology, the School of Social Development and Social Policy, Fudan University, China. Academic Director of Chinese Research Institute of Ericksonian Clinical Hypnosis
- 演讲题目《临床催眠在中国的发展:回望过去,前瞻未来》Keynote Speech: Development of Clinical Hypnosis in China: The Past and the Future
An associate professor of the Department of Psychology, School of Social Development and Social Policy in Fudan University. Academic Director of Chinese Research Institute of Ericksonian Clinical Hypnosis. A licensed psychological counselor & supervisor of Chinese Psychological Society and Chinese Mental Health Association. She has published 54 papers in peer-reviewed domestic and international journals, including 6 papers in SSCI/SCI journals and 24 papers in CSSCI journals as either the first author or the corresponding author. She has published one book, co-authored 3 books, and translated 12 books in the field of psychology. She is a member of several professional societies home and abroad, including the International Society of Hypnosis, the Chinese Psychological Society and the Chinese Mental Health Association.
Camillo LoriedoCamillo Loriedo
- 在家庭治疗中使用催眠Using Hypnosis with Families
Woltemade HartmanWoltemade Hartman
- 身体恍惚: 结合临床催眠、多重迷走神经理论和躯体体验疗法来促进创伤客户的心流、具身化和自我调节。现场演示工作坊Body Trance: Advancing flow, embodiment and self-regulation in your traumatized clients: Combining Clinical Hypnosis, Polyvagal Theory and the Somatic Experiencing Approach. A Workshop with Live Demonstrations
我个人对受到心理创伤的病人进行催眠心理治疗的经验已超过 35 年。然而,随着职业生涯的发展,我对自己的催眠干预策略越来越挑剔。我开始意识到,在实施催眠干预时,我只是以一种 “局限在头骨之内 ”的认知方式来处理传统的心灵概念,而不是将心灵视为内在于自我和外融于周围世界之中。我因而意识到,催眠治疗不应仅被视为一种心理内部认知干预策略,而是一种嵌入治疗关系的策略,其主要目的是为患者创造和传递安全感。我发现,几十年来,心理治疗和催眠的同行们在追求卓越治疗的过程中,对身体和神经系统的作用视而不见。这是一个巨大的错误。 我改变了这一现状,开始越来越多地将身体工作和躯体方法融入临床催眠工作中。我惊奇地发现,将临床催眠、多迷走神经理论和躯体工作相结合,可以重新设置创伤患者不连贯的自律神经系统反应,从而帮助他们再次进行更充分的自我调节。这种综合方法可以重新建立整体感,促进心流、内部一致性和安全感。在本讲座中,Hartman博士将通过现场演示,结合多迷走神经理论的原理、Peter Levine博士开发的躯体体验法的技巧和现代临床催眠策略,介绍如何对创伤患者使用 “钟摆法”和 “滴定法”等躯体干预方法。
教育目标: 工作坊结束时,参与者能够了解创伤、解离、自我调节的神经生理基础及其相互联系;掌握如何用催眠疗法稳定受创伤客户的动态,以及如何激发身体导向的资源;理解如何结合催眠-感觉技术来促进流动、体现、连贯性和自我调节,让客户再次体验整体性。
Consuelo CasulaConsuelo Casula
- 帮助患者增强灵活性的催眠过程和策略Hypnotic processes and strategies to to help patients to enhance their flexibility
Camillo LoriedoCamillo Loriedo
- 与无形工作:在催眠诊断与治疗中辨识并利用最微小的线索WORKING WITH THE INVISIBLE Recognizing and Using Minimal Cues in Hypnotic Diagnosis and Treatment
张怀宇(中国)Huaiyu Zhang (China)
- 临床催眠在健康心理学领域的运用The Application of Clinical Hypnosis in the Field of Health Psychology (with cases)