1大会所有学术活动和稿件均需符合本领域的伦理规范。All academic activities and submissions for the congress must comply with the ethical standards of the field.
2学术活动和稿件申请将统一由大会学术委员组织专家组进行审核,无论是否被大会采纳,均将通过邮件形式正式通知投稿人。Applications for academic activities and submissions will be reviewed by a panel of experts organized by the congress's academic committee. Applicants will be formally notified via email whether their submission is accepted or not.
3稿件一经录用,需缴纳大会注册费方可在大会进行学术交流活动。未缴纳注册费者的学术活动/学术稿件申请将不被大会正式录用。Once a submission is accepted, the presenter must pay the congress registration fee to participate in academic exchange activities at the congress. Applications for academic activities/submissions from those who have not paid the registration fee will not be officially accepted by the congress.