第二届亚洲临床催眠大会The 2nd Asian Congress of Clinical Hypnosis
暨第三届中国临床催眠大会and the 3rd Chinese Congress of Clinical Hypnosis
联结 · 合作 · 共同成长Connection · Collaboration · Co-Growth
中国 北京China Beijing
2025年8月15-17日August 15-17, 2025


很荣幸邀请您参加即将于2025年8月14日至18日召开的第二届亚洲催眠大会。第一届亚洲催眠大会的筹办始于2015年的伊朗。在伊朗催眠学会组织的一次国际催眠大会上,Kris Klajs(国际催眠学会现任主席)与大家共处一席,提出了举办亚洲大会的想法。他的初衷是与诸如亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、哈萨克斯坦、巴基斯坦、尼泊尔、印度、泰国、日本和中国以及其他亚洲国家中从事催眠工作的同事们建立联系。部分亚洲国家的同道或许无法负担在西方国家举办的会议,但可以来在临近家乡的城市举办的会议。此后,我们于2019年在伊朗马什哈德医科大学成功举办了非常成功的第一届大会。共计来自26个国家的1200名代表参加了会议。
大会组织者已经邀请了许多本领域的知名专家,可以保证这又是一次具有里程碑意义的大会。 我们终于可以与彼此和珍重的亚洲同事再次相逢,重建学术联系,加深专业经验交流,加强研究合作。一切都体现了本次别具意义的大会的口号:联结 · 合作 · 共同成长(Connection · Collaboration · Co-Growth)。这次大会是各位同事共同成长、携手发展的绝佳途径,向我们提供了无限可能。
国际催眠学会前任主席及第二届亚洲催眠大会外方主席:Bernhard Trenkle
国际催眠学会现任主席:Kris Klajs
Welcome Address

Dear Colleagues,
In an effort to further advance the professionalization and standardization of clinical hypnosis across the Asian region, as well as to foster academic and practical exchange among different countries and cultures, the 2nd Asian Congress of Clinical Hypnosis and the 3rd Chinese Congress of Clinical Hypnosis will be held from August 15 to 17, 2025, in Beijing, China. The conference is jointly hosted by the Asian Hypnosis Society and the School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences at Peking University, organized by the China Ericksonian Clinical Hypnosis Research Institute, and co-organized by the International Society of Hypnosis, Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy Center at Peking University, Beijing Zhi-Dao-Zhong-He Medical Institute, and Beijing Zhi-Xin-Zhong-He Health Management & Service Ltd..
The congress will welcome hundreds of top experts, scholars, and professional practitioners in clinical hypnosis from Asia, Europe, America, and other regions worldwide. Past, current, and incoming presidents and executive directors of the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH) will all be in attendance. Based in Asia but with a global perspective, this conference will witness worldwide clinical hypnosis experts, scholars, and practitioners discussing the latest research developments and clinical applications while envisioning the future together.
Congress topics will encompass a wide range of areas, including cultural perspectives on hypnosis phenomena, the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying hypnosis, recent developments in hypnosis theory and techniques, hypnosis ethics, family hypnosis, hypnosis for children and adolescents, hypnosis combined with various schools of psychotherapy, hypnosis in crisis intervention, hypnosis for stress management, hypnosis in diverse fields (such as dentistry, reproductive medicine, sports, education and training), as well as the intersection of hypnosis and emerging digital technologies (such as VR and AI). The congress will feature pre- and post-conference workshops, keynote presentations, seminars, hypnosis supervision, forums for different schools of thought, and guest dialogues, all designed to meet the diverse academic and professional needs of participants from various fields.
In accordance with the ethical guidelines of the International Society of Hypnosis, the formal conference registration will be open exclusively to professionals in the fields of mental health, medical and health promotion, education, career development, and related industries. We will also organize special sessions for psychology enthusiasts and the general public.
We cordially invite you to set aside time to attend this distinguished international academic event, where we will deepen our understanding and application of clinical hypnosis, harness our unconscious wisdom, enhance our internal resources and strengths to better serve our clients, and expand our understanding and experience of human nature and the meaning of life.
As you may already know, the more you know, the more you realize the extent of what remains unknown.
We eagerly look forward to meeting you at this international academic gathering on August 15, 2025.
President of the 2nd Asian Congress of Clinical Hypnosis
Fang Xin

Dear Colleagues,
It is an honor to invite you to the second Asian Congress of Hypnosis to be held Aug. 14-18 , 2025 at Beijing University in Beijing, China. Planning for the first Congress began in 2015 in Iran. Sitting together at an International Congress of Iranian Hypnosis Society, Kris Klajs (our current ISH President) suggested the idea of having an Asian Congress. His motivation was to connect with colleagues working with hypnosis in countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Pakistan, Nepal, India, Thailand, Japan, and China, among others. Some colleagues in these Asian countries might not be able to not afford to come to conferences in Western countries, but could potentially participate in conferences that were organized in cities closer to home. We then organized and then held a very successful first Asian Congress at the Mashhad Medical University in Iran in 2019. It had 1200 participants from 26 countries.
The Asian Society of Clinical Hypnosis was formed and plans were made to organize the second Congress to be held in 2022 in China. However, the COVID19 pandemic postponed our plans. Our Chinese colleagues, under the leadership of Xin Fang, President-Elect of Asian Society have been working very for many months to plan for the Congress, and we can now proudly invite you to participate in August 14-18 of 2025 – just eight months from now.
The conference organizers have already invited many well-known experts in our field and can guarantee another landmark congress. We will be able to meet each other and our valued colleagues from Asia again in person, strengthen our academic connections, deepen the exchange of our professional experiences, and enhance research collaborations. All this is reflecting the motto of this special congress: Connection-Collaboration-Co-Growth. This congress offers multiple possibilities and wonderful ways for connecting and growing together.
It is a significant honor that Beijing University is hosting the congress. This has many advantages. But it also means we have to follow the rules of Beijing University for such congresses. For êxample, payments for the congress is only possible in Chinese currency RMB. All banks can arrange for such transfers.
The time of year of the Congress will provide many opportunities for a large variety of interesting and educational touristic events before and after congress. Please feel free to plan to arrive before and stay after the Congress to take full advantage of these once-in-a-lifetime opportunities!
In summary,please consider coming to Beijing in August of this year for the 2nd Asian Congress as a general participant or as one of the teaching faculty.
If you are not yet part of our hypnosis community platform please check www.whoISHwho.com and send us your CV, photo, and publication list. Via www.ishhypnosis.org you are able to receive updated information about activities around the world as well as ISH’s monthly online masterclass workshops. A heartfelt thank you to all our members for your contined support of ISH and our mission. If you are not yet a member of ISH, please join our strong and growing international network of clinicians and scientists in the field of by becoming a member (https://ishhypnosis.silkstart.com/cpages/for-new-members). Please note that the next ISH congress is 2027 in Paestum Italy, which is aUNESCO World Heritage Site; visit www.hypnosis2027.com. Best regards
Kris Klajs ISH President
Bernhard Trenkle, ISH Past President and International Chair of 2nd Asian Conference
数百位来自亚洲、欧美等世界各地催眠领域的顶尖专家与学者云集。Distinguished experts and scholars from the hypnosis field, hailing from Asia, Europe, America, and beyond, convene at this prestigious event.
国际催眠学会(ISH)前任、现任、候任主席及常务等国际专家与会。Leadership from the International Society of Hypnosis (ISH), including past, present, and future presidents, as well as executive committee members, join the gathering.
大会内容涵盖与催眠现象相关的文化议题、催眠的神经生理机制等基础研究、催眠理论技术的新发展、催眠伦理、家庭催眠、儿童青少年催眠、催眠+等多学科主题。The conference encompasses a diverse array of topics related to hypnosis, such as cultural aspects, foundational research into the neurophysiological mechanisms of hypnosis, advancements in hypnosis theory and techniques, ethical considerations, family hypnosis, hypnosis for children and adolescents, and multidisciplinary themes like "hypnosis plus".
大会工作坊、主题研讨会、一般学术研究诚意征稿,详情请见征稿通知,欢迎各位同道投稿交流!We cordially invite submissions for workshops, thematic discussions, and academic research presentations. For further information, please consult the call for papers. We encourage our esteemed colleagues to contribute and engage in this scholarly exchange!

Bernhard 致辞Dear Colleagues
我们非常荣幸地邀请您参加第二届亚洲催眠大会。我们最初在2015年伊朗开始筹划这一活动。在伊朗催眠学会的国际大会上,Kris Klajs (国际催眠学会现任主席)提出了举办亚洲大会的想法。他的初心是与在亚美尼亚、格鲁吉亚、哈萨克斯坦、巴基斯坦、尼泊尔等国家从事催眠工作的同道们建立联系。这些同道可能负担不起前往蒙特利尔或巴黎参加会议的费用,但可以来到伊朗、印度或中国。最终,我们在2019年伊朗马什哈德医科大学成功举办了第一届大会,共有来自29个国家的1000名参与者参加。当时的计划是成立亚洲催眠学会,并在2022年中国举办第二届大会。Covid19大流行虽然推迟了我们的计划,但现在是时候积极参与了。实际上,由中国同事在亚洲催眠学会当选主席方新的领导下,已经筹备数月,现在我们可以自豪地邀请您参加8月14日至18日的第二届大会。我们已经邀请了许多我们领域内知名的专家,并可以保证这将是一个具有里程碑意义的大会。我们终于可以再次面对面地相聚,重建学术联系,深化我们的职业经验交流,加强研究合作。所有这些都反映了这个特殊大会的座右铭:联结-合作-共同成长。这次大会提供了多种可能性和绝佳的方式,促进共同成长和共同发展。It is an honor to invite you to the 2nd Asian Congress of Hypnosis. The first one we started to plan 2015 in Iran. Sitting together at an International Congress of Iranian Hypnosis Society Kris Klajs suggested the idea of having an Asian Congress. His motivation was to connect with colleagues working with hypnosis in countries like Armenia, Georgia, Kasachstan, Pakistan, Nepal , etc. Colleagues who cannot afford to come to conferences in Montreal or Paris but can come to Iran, india or China. Finally we had a very successful first congress with 1000 participants from 29 countries at Mashhad Medical University in Iran 2019. The plan there was to found an Asian Society of Hypnosis and organize a 2nd congress 2022 in China. The Covid19 pandemy only postponed our plans. But now it is time to be active . Actually the Chinese colleagues directed by Xin Fang, President-Elect of Asian Society has worked already hard for many months and now we proudly can invite you to the 2nd Congress August 14-18th. We invited already many well known experts in our field and can garantee another landmark congress. We can finally meet again in person, rebuild academic connections, deepen the exchange of our professional experiences, enhance research cooperations. All this is reflecting the motto of this special congress: Connection-Collaboration-Co-Growth. This congress offers multiple possibilities and wonderful ways for co-growing and growing together.
8月的时间也让大家在大会前后可以畅享旅游活动的机会。The time of August also gives opportunities to add attractive touristic events before and after congress.